
Dance Opera in Seven Movements


"Exciting and powerful.  Wallace's score is an endless storehouse of rich surprises." - Joshua Kosman, San Francisco Chronicle

Libretto by Michael Korie
World Premiere Dance Theater Workshop November 1989 as part of the Brooklyn Academy
of Music's Next Wave Festival
Directed and choreographed by Ann Carlson
Conducted by Joshua Rosenblum

Toured 1990 to Three Rivers Festival Pittsburgh, PA

and Jewish Community Center Houston, TX

Directed by Rhoda Levine

Conducted by Michael Barrett

Kabbalah CD on Koch International Classics
Michael Barrett conducting

10 singers, 6 musicians
90 minutes

Kabbalah explores the Jewish mystical tradition as it evolved through centuries of exile.

This abstract work in seven movements is sung in Hebrew, Aramaic, Medieval Spanish and German, and English. The fourth movement is extracted from conversations the composer and librettist had with Rabbi Meier Yehuda Getz of Jerusalem's Western Wall in July and August of 1988.

Kabbalah CD


Samples as Audio and Video Files

(What you need to play Real files!)


Video-Sample 1 (Video, 3:05)


Eser Sephirot (Audio, 4:52)


Sh'ma (Audio, 2:31)


Kabbalah CD photos
by Mark Seliger